What almost no traders realize is that even if gaining a Stock Market Education cost money it will save them money in the long term as well as the obvious reason of not losing money trading. When you quit your job to become a day trader time becomes money. For every month trading where you are not yet successful costs you money as you have no income. So a break-even month still costs because of the lack of salary. Many traders do not realize that as they only look at what they saved by not buying a Stock Market Education, so they might have saved a couple of hundred bucks but they lost out of a month's salary.
Taking this a step further, you might become a successful day trader without Stock Market Education but could you have done this much quicker by getting a mentor or attending some seminars? If you can shorten the learning curve down then you will start to make consistent profit earlier as well. The faster you learn the faster you make money. So what you save in time might make that price tag on the seminar seem rather insignificant.
Many traders think they can get everything they need for free which might be true but what they do not realize is that it takes a lot of trial & error before they can successfully implement all this information into a trading plan. Remember it can quickly become information overload when you start reading about new technical indicators.
The biggest problem about not getting professional help is that the trader will miss out on guidance and psychology. Something you almost cannot get by reading is the mindset of a professional trader. This often comes after being mentored for a longer period of time.
The bottom line is that though a Stock Market Education might cost you money right here it will VERY likely save you time and thereby money in the long run.